== Installing Rollup Bundle for ESX Server 3.0.3 Update 1 == 1. Installed updates that don't require VM/host reboot. {{{ # cat /etc/*-release Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 3 (Taroon) VMware ESX Server 3 # # pwd /var/updates/ESX303-Update01.Depot # # ls -log total 4 drwxr-xr-x 10 4096 Mar 12 16:51 ESX303 # # ls -log ESX303 total 44 -rw-rw-rw- 1 4771 Feb 26 00:35 contents.xml -rw-r--r-- 1 701 Feb 26 00:35 contents.xml.sig drwxr-xr-x 3 4096 Feb 26 00:34 ESX303-201002201-UG drwxr-xr-x 3 4096 Feb 26 00:35 ESX303-201002202-UG drwxr-xr-x 3 4096 Feb 26 00:35 ESX303-201002203-UG drwxr-xr-x 3 4096 Feb 26 00:35 ESX303-201002204-UG drwxr-xr-x 3 4096 Feb 26 00:35 ESX303-201002205-UG drwxr-xr-x 3 4096 Feb 26 00:35 ESX303-201002206-UG drwxr-xr-x 3 4096 Feb 26 00:35 ESX303-201002207-UG drwxr-xr-x 3 4096 Feb 26 00:35 ESX303-Update01 # # esxupdate -b ESX303-201002207-UG -d file:///var/updates/ESX303-Update01.Depot/ESX303 update INFO: Configuring... INFO: Preparing to install ['ESX303-201002207-UG']... INFO: The following RPMs are already installed on the system and will be skipped: ['VMware-esx-scripts.i386'] INFO: Checking disk space and running test transaction... INFO: --- TOTALS: 0 packages installed, 0 pending or failed, 0 removed, 0 excluded --- INFO: Install of ['ESX303-201002207-UG'] succeeded. # # ls -log ESX303/ESX303-201002207-UG/*.rpm -r--r--r-- 1 334986 Apr 13 2009 ESX303/ESX303-201002207-UG/VMware-esx-scripts-3.0.3-160502.i386.rpm # rpm -q --last VMware-esx-scripts VMware-esx-scripts-3.0.3-160502 Sun 22 Nov 2009 08:52:54 AM PST # # # esxupdate -b ESX303-201002202-UG -d file:///var/updates/ESX303-Update01.Depot/ESX303 update INFO: Configuring... INFO: The following bundles are being skipped. INFO: [ESX303-201002207-UG] is already installed, nothing for esxupdate to do. INFO: Preparing to install ['ESX303-201002202-UG']... INFO: Downloading net-snmp-5.0.9-2.30E.28.i386.rpm... INFO: Downloading net-snmp-utils-5.0.9-2.30E.28.i386.rpm... INFO: Downloading net-snmp-libs-5.0.9-2.30E.28.i386.rpm... INFO: Checking disk space and running test transaction... INFO: Running yum install <3 packages>... INFO: | Gathering header information file(s) from server(s) INFO: | Server: Bundle ESX303-201002202-UG INFO: | Finding updated packages INFO: | Downloading needed headers INFO: | net-snmp-0-5.0.9-2.30E.28 100% |=========================| 11 kB 00:00 INFO: | net-snmp-utils-0-5.0.9-2. 100% |=========================| 8.2 kB 00:00 INFO: | net-snmp-libs-0-5.0.9-2.3 100% |=========================| 7.1 kB 00:00 INFO: | Resolving dependencies INFO: | Dependencies resolved INFO: | I will do the following: INFO: | [update: net-snmp 5.0.9-2.30E.28.i386] INFO: | [update: net-snmp-utils 5.0.9-2.30E.28.i386] INFO: | [update: net-snmp-libs 5.0.9-2.30E.28.i386] INFO: | Downloading Packages INFO: | Getting net-snmp-5.0.9-2.30E.28.i386.rpm INFO: | Getting net-snmp-utils-5.0.9-2.30E.28.i386.rpm INFO: | Getting net-snmp-libs-5.0.9-2.30E.28.i386.rpm INFO: | Running test transaction: INFO: | Test transaction complete, Success! INFO: | net-snmp-libs 100 % done 1/6 INFO: | net-snmp 100 % done 2/6 INFO: | net-snmp-utils 100 % done 3/6 INFO: | Completing update for net-snmp - 4/6 INFO: | Completing update for net-snmp-utils - 5/6 INFO: | Completing update for net-snmp-libs - 6/6 INFO: | Updated: net-snmp 5.0.9-2.30E.28.i386 net-snmp-utils 5.0.9-2.30E.28.i386 net-snmp-libs 5.0.9-2.30E.28.i386 INFO: | Transaction(s) Complete INFO: Running esxcfg-boot to regenerate initrds... INFO: --- TOTALS: 3 packages installed, 0 pending or failed, 0 removed, 0 excluded --- INFO: Install of ['ESX303-201002202-UG'] succeeded. # # # esxupdate -b ESX303-201002203-UG -d file:///var/updates/ESX303-Update01.Depot/ESX303 update INFO: Configuring... INFO: The following bundles are being skipped. INFO: [ESX303-201002207-UG] is already installed, nothing for esxupdate to do. INFO: Preparing to install ['ESX303-201002203-UG']... INFO: Downloading VMware-esx-tools-3.0.3-231127.i386.rpm... INFO: Checking disk space and running test transaction... INFO: Running yum install <1 packages>... INFO: | Gathering header information file(s) from server(s) INFO: | Server: Bundle ESX303-201002203-UG INFO: | Finding updated packages INFO: | Downloading needed headers INFO: | VMware-esx-tools-0-3.0.3- 100% |=========================| 1.6 kB 00:00 INFO: | Resolving dependencies INFO: | Dependencies resolved INFO: | I will do the following: INFO: | [update: VMware-esx-tools 3.0.3-231127.i386] INFO: | Downloading Packages INFO: | Getting VMware-esx-tools-3.0.3-231127.i386.rpm INFO: | Running test transaction: INFO: | Test transaction complete, Success! INFO: | VMware-esx-tools 100 % done 1/2 INFO: | Completing update for VMware-esx-tools - 2/2 INFO: | Updated: VMware-esx-tools 3.0.3-231127.i386 INFO: | Transaction(s) Complete INFO: Running esxcfg-boot to regenerate initrds... INFO: --- TOTALS: 1 packages installed, 0 pending or failed, 0 removed, 0 excluded --- INFO: Install of ['ESX303-201002203-UG'] succeeded. # # # esxupdate -b ESX303-201002204-UG -d file:///var/updates/ESX303-Update01.Depot/ESX303 update INFO: Configuring... INFO: The following bundles are being skipped. INFO: [ESX303-201002207-UG] is already installed, nothing for esxupdate to do. INFO: Preparing to install ['ESX303-201002204-UG']... INFO: Downloading libxml2-python-2.5.10-15.i386.rpm... INFO: Downloading libxml-1.8.17-9.3.i386.rpm... INFO: Downloading libxml2-2.5.10-15.i386.rpm... INFO: Checking disk space and running test transaction... INFO: Running yum install <3 packages>... INFO: | Gathering header information file(s) from server(s) INFO: | Server: Bundle ESX303-201002204-UG INFO: | Finding updated packages INFO: | Downloading needed headers INFO: | libxml2-python-0-2.5.10-1 100% |=========================| 4.4 kB 00:00 INFO: | libxml2-0-2.5.10-15.i386. 100% |=========================| 3.3 kB 00:00 INFO: | libxml-1-1.8.17-9.3.i386. 100% |=========================| 2.4 kB 00:00 INFO: | Resolving dependencies INFO: | Dependencies resolved INFO: | I will do the following: INFO: | [update: libxml2-python 2.5.10-15.i386] INFO: | [update: libxml2 2.5.10-15.i386] INFO: | [update: libxml 1:1.8.17-9.3.i386] INFO: | Downloading Packages INFO: | Getting libxml2-python-2.5.10-15.i386.rpm INFO: | Getting libxml2-2.5.10-15.i386.rpm INFO: | Getting libxml-1.8.17-9.3.i386.rpm INFO: | Running test transaction: INFO: | Test transaction complete, Success! INFO: | libxml2 100 % done 1/6 INFO: | libxml2-python 100 % done 2/6 INFO: | libxml 100 % done 3/6 INFO: | Completing update for libxml2-python - 4/6 INFO: | Completing update for libxml2 - 5/6 INFO: | Completing update for libxml - 6/6 INFO: | Updated: libxml2-python 2.5.10-15.i386 libxml2 2.5.10-15.i386 libxml 1:1.8.17-9.3.i386 INFO: | Transaction(s) Complete INFO: Running esxcfg-boot to regenerate initrds... INFO: --- TOTALS: 3 packages installed, 0 pending or failed, 0 removed, 0 excluded --- INFO: Install of ['ESX303-201002204-UG'] succeeded. # # # esxupdate -b ESX303-201002205-UG -d file:///var/updates/ESX303-Update01.Depot/ESX303 update INFO: Configuring... INFO: The following bundles are being skipped. INFO: [ESX303-201002207-UG] is already installed, nothing for esxupdate to do. INFO: Preparing to install ['ESX303-201002205-UG']... INFO: Downloading bind-utils-9.2.4-25.el3.i386.rpm... INFO: Downloading bind-libs-9.2.4-25.el3.i386.rpm... INFO: Checking disk space and running test transaction... INFO: Running yum install <2 packages>... INFO: | Gathering header information file(s) from server(s) INFO: | Server: Bundle ESX303-201002205-UG INFO: | Finding updated packages INFO: | Downloading needed headers INFO: | bind-utils-20-9.2.4-25.el 100% |=========================| 9.6 kB 00:00 INFO: | bind-libs-20-9.2.4-25.el3 100% |=========================| 9.8 kB 00:00 INFO: | Resolving dependencies INFO: | Dependencies resolved INFO: | I will do the following: INFO: | [update: bind-utils 20:9.2.4-25.el3.i386] INFO: | [update: bind-libs 20:9.2.4-25.el3.i386] INFO: | Downloading Packages INFO: | Getting bind-utils-9.2.4-25.el3.i386.rpm INFO: | Getting bind-libs-9.2.4-25.el3.i386.rpm INFO: | Running test transaction: INFO: | Test transaction complete, Success! INFO: | bind-libs 100 % done 1/4 INFO: | bind-utils 100 % done 2/4 INFO: | Completing update for bind-utils - 3/4 INFO: | Completing update for bind-libs - 4/4 INFO: | Updated: bind-utils 20:9.2.4-25.el3.i386 bind-libs 20:9.2.4-25.el3.i386 INFO: | Transaction(s) Complete INFO: Running esxcfg-boot to regenerate initrds... INFO: --- TOTALS: 2 packages installed, 0 pending or failed, 0 removed, 0 excluded --- INFO: Install of ['ESX303-201002205-UG'] succeeded. # # # esxupdate -b ESX303-201002206-UG -d file:///var/updates/ESX303-Update01.Depot/ESX303 update INFO: Configuring... INFO: The following bundles are being skipped. INFO: [ESX303-201002207-UG] is already installed, nothing for esxupdate to do. INFO: Preparing to install ['ESX303-201002206-UG']... INFO: Downloading python-2.2.3-6.11.i386.rpm... INFO: Checking disk space and running test transaction... INFO: Running yum install <1 packages>... INFO: | Gathering header information file(s) from server(s) INFO: | Server: Bundle ESX303-201002206-UG INFO: | Finding updated packages INFO: | Downloading needed headers INFO: | python-0-2.2.3-6.11.i386. 100% |=========================| 49 kB 00:00 INFO: | Resolving dependencies INFO: | Dependencies resolved INFO: | I will do the following: INFO: | [update: python 2.2.3-6.11.i386] INFO: | Downloading Packages INFO: | Getting python-2.2.3-6.11.i386.rpm INFO: | Running test transaction: INFO: | Test transaction complete, Success! INFO: | python 100 % done 1/2 INFO: | Completing update for python - 2/2 INFO: | Updated: python 2.2.3-6.11.i386 INFO: | Transaction(s) Complete INFO: Running esxcfg-boot to regenerate initrds... INFO: --- TOTALS: 1 packages installed, 0 pending or failed, 0 removed, 0 excluded --- INFO: Install of ['ESX303-201002206-UG'] succeeded. # # # esxupdate -d file:///var/updates/ESX303-Update01.Depot/ESX303 query |tail -17 ESX303-Rollup01 08:45:24 11/22/09 Roll-Up Bundle for ESX Server 3.0.3 ESX303-200905404-BG 09:00:35 11/22/09 Update to vmkctl and Service Console Ker ESX303-200905405-BG 09:00:35 11/22/09 Update to time zone information package ESX303-200908401-BG 09:00:35 11/22/09 Updates kernel source and vmnix ESX303-200908402-BG 09:00:35 11/22/09 Updates vmkernel ESX303-200908403-SG 09:00:35 11/22/09 Updates krb5-libs and pam_krb5 ESX303-200908405-BG 09:00:35 11/22/09 Updates hostd ESX303-200908407-BG 09:00:35 11/22/09 Updates mptscsi_2xx driver ESX303-200910401-BG 09:00:35 11/22/09 Updates vmx ESX303-200910402-SG 09:00:35 11/22/09 Updates Service Console DHCP Client ESX303-201002207-UG 17:12:43 03/12/10 Includes scripts RPM ESX303-201002202-UG 17:15:39 03/12/10 Updates Net-SNMP ESX303-201002203-UG 17:17:53 03/12/10 Updates VMware Tools ESX303-201002204-UG 17:18:44 03/12/10 Updates Libxml2 ESX303-201002205-UG 17:19:38 03/12/10 Security update to BIND ESX303-201002206-UG 17:20:37 03/12/10 Security updates to Python package For a differential list of rpms, use the -l/--listrpms option. # # }}} 2. Completed the upgrade. {{{ # esxupdate --noreboot -d file:///var/updates/ESX303-Update01.Depot/ESX303 update INFO: No -b specified, selecting all bundles in depot. INFO: Configuring... INFO: The following bundles are being skipped. INFO: [ESX303-201002204-UG] is already installed, nothing for esxupdate to do. INFO: [ESX303-201002203-UG] is already installed, nothing for esxupdate to do. INFO: [ESX303-201002206-UG] is already installed, nothing for esxupdate to do. INFO: [ESX303-201002205-UG] is already installed, nothing for esxupdate to do. INFO: [ESX303-201002202-UG] is already installed, nothing for esxupdate to do. INFO: [ESX303-201002207-UG] is already installed, nothing for esxupdate to do. INFO: Preparing to install ['ESX303-201002201-UG', 'ESX303-Update01']... INFO: The following RPMs are already installed on the system and will be skipped: ['VMware-esx-srvrmgmt.i386', 'VMware-esx-vmkctl.i386', 'VMware-esx-apps.i386', 'krb5-libs.i386', 'bzip2.i386', 'tzdata.noarch', 'VMware-esx-drivers-scsi-mptscsi_2xx.i386', 'VMware-esx-lnxcfg.i386', 'openssl.i686', 'VMware-esx-drivers-scsi-qla4022.i386', 'VMware-webCenter-esx.i386', 'bzip2-libs.i386', 'perl.i386', 'kernel-vmnix.i686', 'pam_krb5.i386', 'vim-minimal.i386', 'kernel-source.i386', 'VMware-esx-drivers-scsi-vmkiscsi.i386', 'dhclient.i386', 'VMware-esx-drivers-scsi-qla2300-v7.07.i386', 'vim-common.i386', 'VMware-esx-drivers-net-tg3.i386'] INFO: Downloading VMware-hostd-esx-3.0.3-231127.i386.rpm... INFO: Downloading VMware-esx-vmx-3.0.3-231127.i386.rpm... INFO: Downloading VMware-esx-vmkernel-3.0.3-231127.i386.rpm... INFO: Checking disk space and running test transaction... INFO: Running yum install <3 packages>... INFO: | Gathering header information file(s) from server(s) INFO: | Server: Bundle ESX303-201002201-UG INFO: | Server: Bundle ESX303-Update01 INFO: | Finding updated packages INFO: | Downloading needed headers INFO: | VMware-hostd-esx-0-3.0.3- 100% |=========================| 6.0 kB 00:00 INFO: | VMware-esx-vmkernel-0-3.0 100% |=========================| 1.7 kB 00:00 INFO: | VMware-esx-vmx-0-3.0.3-23 100% |=========================| 2.8 kB 00:00 INFO: | Resolving dependencies INFO: | Dependencies resolved INFO: | I will do the following: INFO: | [update: VMware-esx-vmx 3.0.3-231127.i386] INFO: | [update: VMware-hostd-esx 3.0.3-231127.i386] INFO: | [update: VMware-esx-vmkernel 3.0.3-231127.i386] INFO: | Downloading Packages INFO: | Getting VMware-esx-vmx-3.0.3-231127.i386.rpm INFO: | Getting VMware-hostd-esx-3.0.3-231127.i386.rpm INFO: | Getting VMware-esx-vmkernel-3.0.3-231127.i386.rpm INFO: | Running test transaction: INFO: | Test transaction complete, Success! INFO: | VMware-esx-vmx 100 % done 1/6 INFO: | VMware-hostd-esx 100 % done 2/6 INFO: | INFO: Setting up vmUser(uid 12/gid 20) INFO: | INFO: vmUser(uid 12/gid 20) setup INFO: | INFO: Regenerating /etc/ld.so.cache INFO: | INFO: vmware-hostd has been upgraded, it needs to be manually INFO: | INFO: restarted in order for the upgrade to take effect... INFO: | INFO: type /etc/init.d/mgmt-vmware restart INFO: | VMware-esx-vmkernel 100 % done 3/6 INFO: | Completing update for VMware-esx-vmx - 4/6 INFO: | Completing update for VMware-hostd-esx - 5/6 INFO: | Completing update for VMware-esx-vmkernel - 6/6 INFO: | Updated: VMware-esx-vmx 3.0.3-231127.i386 VMware-hostd-esx 3.0.3-231127.i386 VMware-esx-vmkernel 3.0.3-231127.i386 INFO: | Transaction(s) Complete INFO: Running esxcfg-boot to regenerate initrds... INFO: --- TOTALS: 3 packages installed, 0 pending or failed, 0 removed, 0 excluded --- INFO: Install of ['ESX303-201002201-UG', 'ESX303-Update01'] is almost done. INFO: Please reboot the ESX Server by typing 'reboot' to complete the update. # # date Mon Mar 15 18:18:04 PDT 2010 # # # esxupdate -d file:///var/updates/ESX303-Update01.Depot/ESX303 query |tail -26 3.0.3-104629 08:27:41 11/22/09 Full 3.0.3 release of VMware ESX Server ESX303-200808402-SG 08:45:22 11/22/09 Important: Perl security update ESX303-200808407-SG 08:45:23 11/22/09 Updated JRE and Tomcat ESX303-200811404-SG 08:45:23 11/22/09 Moderate: bzip2 security update ESX303-200812403-BG 08:45:23 11/22/09 Fix in qla4022 driver ESX303-200812405-BG 08:45:23 11/22/09 CHAP Authentication Failure on ESX Serve ESX303-200812408-BG 08:45:23 11/22/09 QLogic Driver RPMs Versions Mismatch ESX303-200901403-BG 08:45:24 11/22/09 ESX Patches Overwrite syslog.conf ESX303-200901407-BG 08:45:24 11/22/09 Update to tg3 driver ESX303-200903403-SG 08:45:24 11/22/09 Updated vim packages ESX303-200903406-SG 08:45:24 11/22/09 Service Console Package OpenSSL ESX303-200905404-BG 09:00:35 11/22/09 Update to vmkctl and Service Console Ker ESX303-200905405-BG 09:00:35 11/22/09 Update to time zone information package ESX303-200908401-BG 09:00:35 11/22/09 Updates kernel source and vmnix ESX303-200908403-SG 09:00:35 11/22/09 Updates krb5-libs and pam_krb5 ESX303-200908407-BG 09:00:35 11/22/09 Updates mptscsi_2xx driver ESX303-200910402-SG 09:00:35 11/22/09 Updates Service Console DHCP Client ESX303-201002207-UG 17:12:43 03/12/10 Includes scripts RPM ESX303-201002202-UG 17:15:39 03/12/10 Updates Net-SNMP ESX303-201002203-UG 17:17:53 03/12/10 Updates VMware Tools ESX303-201002204-UG 17:18:44 03/12/10 Updates Libxml2 ESX303-201002205-UG 17:19:38 03/12/10 Security update to BIND ESX303-201002206-UG 17:20:37 03/12/10 Security updates to Python package ESX303-201002201-UG 18:18:00 03/15/10 Updates VMkernel, VMX, hostd ESX303-Update01 18:18:00 03/15/10 RollUp Bundle for ESX Server 3.0.3 Updat For a differential list of rpms, use the -l/--listrpms option. # # rpm -qa --last |grep Mar\ 2010 VMware-esx-vmkernel-3.0.3-231127 Mon 15 Mar 2010 06:17:46 PM PDT VMware-hostd-esx-3.0.3-231127 Mon 15 Mar 2010 06:17:41 PM PDT VMware-esx-vmx-3.0.3-231127 Mon 15 Mar 2010 06:17:32 PM PDT python-2.2.3-6.11 Fri 12 Mar 2010 05:20:25 PM PST bind-utils-9.2.4-25.el3 Fri 12 Mar 2010 05:19:27 PM PST bind-libs-9.2.4-25.el3 Fri 12 Mar 2010 05:19:26 PM PST libxml2-python-2.5.10-15 Fri 12 Mar 2010 05:18:33 PM PST libxml-1.8.17-9.3 Fri 12 Mar 2010 05:18:33 PM PST libxml2-2.5.10-15 Fri 12 Mar 2010 05:18:32 PM PST VMware-esx-tools-3.0.3-231127 Fri 12 Mar 2010 05:17:39 PM PST net-snmp-utils-5.0.9-2.30E.28 Fri 12 Mar 2010 05:15:25 PM PST net-snmp-5.0.9-2.30E.28 Fri 12 Mar 2010 05:15:24 PM PST net-snmp-libs-5.0.9-2.30E.28 Fri 12 Mar 2010 05:15:23 PM PST # # # sync ; init 6 }}} === See Also === http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1018329 \\ Rollup Bundle for ESX Server 3.0.3 Update 1 (08-Mar-2010)